How many of you are like me and put off planning ahead for your cards? I know I am usually doing mine at the very last minute. As a way to say thanks for all of those that plan ahead I will be doing a 1/2 off creation design fee for the cards. It's normally $25-$50 for the fee but you all deserve a little help for me this year, that is if your a planner!!!!!!! Date for this sale will be Oct 7-13, just call or email me during that time and tell me what your plans are and we'll get that discount logged in for you. You will have to go ahead and prepay at that time for the balance of the creation design fee but that leaves more $$$$$ later for those cards!!!!
This year they are sooooo neat, you name it flat, double sided, something on all 4 sides, fancy paper, linen paper, water color paper.......soooooooo many choices!