Thursday, November 8, 2007

American Girl and Me Sessions!

I've been thinking here lately how cool it is that my 5th grader has been so into these dolls for the last 4 years and love how special they are to them. So in honor of my Madi and Lil, Miss. Brierly and her recent session, I am going to do a weekend special in January.

I will have special deals, such as 1/2 off session fees prepaid) with the packages starting at $50. There will be a minimum order on these sessions of the base package.
You can even get a gift card for Christmas for their very own American Girl and Me photo session!

Dates for the special are January 4th and 5th, times will start at 9:00, you can bring them dressed the same, in pj's just alike, if I know you are wanting an outdoor session with the coats and feel of Chicago we might go up by Touch and Bath Junkie, it has an awesome feel.

Remember I'll only have so many spots for this, if the response is great enough I might open another day.

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New family session...

This session made me miss my kids at that age, talk about a heart melter...who knew a 2 yr old could talk that "ARTICULATE"! I promise Kathryn and Craig I'll upload your session as soon as I can!

Oh Man....Has it been 2 months!!!! goal...try to at least type on here once a week. I've been so busy with sessions I haven't had time to update. I promise I'll "TRY" to do better!!!

1st note....NEW WEBSITE!

Hope you are enjoying it, I've got a lot more to do to it but wanted to at least get it up and going. I will be posting specials and letting everyone know about upcoming things.

2nd note....Discovery Center's Fundraiser is next week. I will be having a $600 gift certificate in the auction if anyone is interested. It goes to a great cause, and if you're there find me and say hi!

3rd thingy...I know I type just as screwy as I talk! LOL! That way at least you can hear my voice when you read. I will be having a buy one get one gift certificates during the 2nd week in December so be watching for all the details. It's a great stocking stuffer for your friends and family, in fact put a bug in my ear and I can let your loved ones know you want one!

Ok now back to trying to post some of these new sessions from lately. They are all awesome, it's going to be hard to not post all of them!


Oh...if you can let me know how you like the layout and feel of the new space!