Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Little Man Parker

What a little man! I got to spend the afternoon with this little guy. Parker is adorable, he has also just been born into a house of women. I'm sure that some of you have heard me talk about his big sister Sophie or tell stories on her.

I certainly hope that he continues to be as laid back as he is now! He must get that from his Daddy Gary, his momma is a little like me. Well need I say more that should explain enough! LOL!

Gotta love when clients start becoming like family. Love you guys!

Poor Tink!

Well you all know how fond Tinkerbell is of wanting to come into the studio when you are all here. So I think I found a way to discourage the poor girl!

Seriously you know I've gone crazy when I make the dog wear a tutu! This was something the kids found hilarious and knew that they had to have a valentine card made out of it. Just sharing!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Recent Retreat!

I know...I know I'm so bad about keeping this current!!!

No excuses except you all kept me so busy this last month or two that I just didn't have time to sneak away from all those amazing sessions. New Years Resolution: I will TRY to do better and keeping this up to date!

Current happenings...wow where to start I spent an amazing weekend recently doing a mini retreat with 5 other fantastic photographers from, OK, KS, Ill, and another right here by Jeff City. I can't ever have enough time to go into detail but we motivated each other, tried lighting out, posing tips were tossed around, and all kinds of tricks of the trade were swapped. Most important it has pushed each of us into a new area professionally. I think the most enlightening part for me was realizing how you all feel when we place you in front of the camera, the insecurity you might feel, the freedom you experience in having your moment captured! It was AWESOME. It definately put's your creative side to the test being in FRONT of the camera for a change. The images posted above are from our weekend and each of us had a go in front of and behind the camera. Some of them are mine and then others are from the girls. I think we all did great!

Now Mom's here's a heads up, we've all got something big planned. All I can say right now there are some BIG prizes up for grabs, the kicker is you will all be the stars! Oops said to much. Be sure to check back.

Now to one of my bestest galpal photographers...Gwen sweetie see I told you I'd update this! LOL! Thanks for kicking my hiney.