With that thought let me say....please not so fast! LOL! Ok maybe not really, life has been crazy and I'm having a heck of a time with homework and my West. Not sure he grasps the whole "open book test" thing. That can be the only reason why he has chosen to not use the book twice. UGHG!!! Now that is stubborn confidence. Those that know him and know me can tell you the apple didn't fall from the tree. That has not helped me in the moments when I want to run. That child is the most affectionate little thing, giving, kind, hilarious...and let's face it STUBBORN!
Ya'll might check on me after schools been out a week, see who came out of it all unscathed.
Seriously, hug those babies they grow up so fast. I know I feel like I blinked. Now it's hard to let them get bigger. Who would have thought you could love someone as much as we as momma's love our babies.
Happy Late Mothers Day!